Dunkin Donuts is a must visit on your way to the Mercado Indio

Home away from home

A must find for a "drama free" cup of "coffee with cream" and a donut or three. Peruvians are not coffee drinkers and it seems they never heard of the bottomless cup of coffee or just pouring just plain cream with your java. Here in Perú, making and serving a cup of coffee is a big deal, I guess like in Europe, and having a few cups, one after another, is unheard of. And if you order cream, they come unglued, and offer you skim milk, or whipped cream. They never heard of half and half. Well, all of that does not apply at DD. They understand how is done and will just pour you a cup with some cream and that is that. You think I am exaggerating about ordering a simple cup of coffee? I dare you to try it just anywhere, plus, in Perú we don´t make a distinction between instant and brewed. I am getting so upset about this, I will need a cup of coffee just for writing this review. DD "coffee shops" are well located all around Miraflores and San Isidro. Find them ahead of time and enjoy them.

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